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Two paths forward for the American press

As the results of the 2020 election come fully into view, I am asking myself what will happen with the American press after Donald Trump leaves the White House. Most of the commentary on this question has centered on the media’s addiction to, and commercial dependence on the Trump phenomenon, as ...


Tim Lambert and Scott Blanchard of explain why they decided to repeatedly connect local lawmakers to their election-fraud actions is the public broadcaster in the Harrisburg region of central Pennsylvania. On January 28 the newsroom explained a new policy toward those in public office who spread the election fraud lie and encouraged the January 6 insurrection. The journalists at WITF declared that they intended to co...


He used to edit political stories at the Chicago Tribune. Now he says the press is failing our democracy.

In the autumn of 2021, I began noticing threads like this from Mark Jacob, a former editor at the Chicago Tribune and the Sun-Times. It’s not uncommon for journalists to become more critical of their occupation once they retire, but Jacob’s observations cut deeper than most. (“Yes, media shou...

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