
How To Sell Jewelry

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Reasons Why People Buy Jewelry People have many different reasons why they buy products. It's your job to figure out what reason(s) will persuade them to buy. The reasons are usually based on emotions they want to experience rather than logical reasons. Here are some reasons get you started: They want highlight or decorate a certain part of their body. They want to purchase the jewelry as a gift for another person. They want to accessorize an outfit(s) that they wear. They want to use it as a symbol of a specific time in their life. They want to show off their expensive jewelry to others. They want to propose or show their marriage with someone else.

Types Of Jewelry To Sell There are many types of products you can sell. You just need to determine who your target market is and what specific item they want. Or you could sell a couple different ones in a package deal. Here is a good list: Rings - diamond, stone, wedding, engagement, bands, metal, etc Bracelets - wrist, ankle, beaded, metal, charm, plastic, etc Earrings - studs, danging, hoops, pierced, clip on, etc. Watches - pocket, wrist, digital, windup, hands, etc. Necklaces - beaded, rope, pearl, chain, pendant, locket, chokers, etc Pins Or Brooches - ornaments, business, memorizer, symbols, etc

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